Food, Water, and Energy Security: Cross-Sector Opportunities and Solutions

Behind the headlines of squabbling policymakers and contentious CEOs are deeply interconnected yet disaggregated threats. Though the sources and targets of these threats may seem disparate, the impact is global and requires a unified response with cohesive solutions from all the players at the table.

At this month's policy salon, we'll examine the challenge posed by the interrelated issues of food, water, and energy insecurity, why this is not a “Third World” problem, and the cohesive response needed from government, industry, and civil society leaders.

Below are suggested readings (additional articles will be posted on our Facebook page):

Water-Energy-Food: Can Leaders at Davos Solve This Global Conundrum?
Huge demands for water present complicated challenges, and leaders need a systems approach to resolve these interconnected risks.

Four Takeaways From 'Recurring Storms: Food Insecurity, Political Instability and Conflict'
Examines the levers that push societies into crisis by highlighting trends in food insecurity and their connection to political instability.

Confronting Global Security in an Era of Water Instabilities
Political instability complicated by water insecurity compromises leaders’ ability to navigate global security challenges.

Sustainable Development and the Water–Energy–Food Nexus: A Perspective on Livelihoods
Proposes an integrated framework to help policymakers formulate sustainable development agendas.